Once again, 2022 has taught us the power of perspective.
As we emerged from 2021 and hope for "normality" we were hit hard with illness, a war on Ukraine, floods across our country, inflation and interest rates. Depsite this, as a leader of our firm, I am immensely proud of what our team have achieved for our clients and our community in 2022.
When faced with uncertainty, which the last 3 years has dished up in spades, our team has risen to the occasion, and I believe we do our best work helping our clients navigate the ups and downs.
As with any other year, there is much out of our control. There is, however, a lot we can control in a financial and wealth perspective; specifically sticking to the plan with our ideal life in mind. At this time of year, we come back to what’s important; health and happiness, family and friends.
Over the year our firm has continued our support of KOTO and WIRE through financial contributions. This week we celebrated the end of 2022 over a "Pinot & Picaso" painting lunch, followed by packing 1000 hygiene bags for Pinchapoo, which will be distributed to those in need in the coming weeks.
You can read more about our work here: Community | WARR HUNT.
Our office will be closed from 5pm Thursday 23 December and reopen on Monday 9 January at 9am, providing a much needed break for our team.
Our phone and email will be checked throughout this period and if any urgent matter arises, you can be assured the appropriate team members will be there to help.