Last week I met Michael Matulick, CEO of SoapAid, and was really inspired by the approach he and his group is taking to address complex social & environmental issues.
It is estimated that 1.8 million children under the age of 5 die each year due to hygiene related illnesses. This equates to 6,000 deaths each day. One of the major causes of childhood deaths is diarrhoea. By the simple act of a child washing their hands with a bar of soap, we could potentially reduce the number of diarrhoea cases by over 40 per cent.
In an effort to prevent these needless deaths, SoapAid collects waste soap from hotels worldwide and sends them to a central processing plant, where they re-process the discarded soaps and turn them back into new, useful bars of soap that will help save lives.
To learn more or get involved check out
Sam Hunt, Director | WARR HUNT