
Two Babies and an Engagement

Two Babies and an Engagement

Welcome Jesse Bodek

On behalf of Natasha and her husband Ryan we are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Jesse Bodek in March.

Natasha and Jesse are doing brilliantly, and of course Ryan is a very proud Dad.

Welcome Clara Hunt

On behalf of Sam and his wife Georgie, we are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Clara Hunt in February.

Clara joins Tilly, Lucy and Tom to make a family of 6.  Georgie and Clara are going well, and Sam says 4 is enough!

Congratulations Justin and Richelle

We are excited to announce Justin’s engagement to his partner Richelle, which happened over the Easter break.

We wish them a happy and fulfilling life together, and look forward to the wedding announcement.


This is a very busy year for the staff of WARR HUNT.  Please join us in congratulating Natasha, Sam and Justin on their exciting news.

The Directors and Staff  |  WARR HUNT